A Look Back at the History of Dental Implants

Dental Implants in Chicago

If you have missing teeth, dental implants can be one of the best ways to restore your smile. Although the idea of getting a completely natural-looking, fully functional tooth implanted in your mouth may seem futuristic, the history of implants actually dates back to the 1952s, when a Swedish physician named Dr. Per-Ingvar Branemark placed a dental implant in his dog’s mouth and discovered that bone bonds to titanium.

This discovery allowed the most important part of dental implants, the post, to be developed. When you get dental implants, a titanium post is implanted in your jaw and allowed to fuse with the bone so that your new teeth can be as strong and reliable as your natural teeth. Since the first dental implant patient received his new teeth in 1965, many different implant systems have been developed. That first implant patient kept his dental implants intact all the way until his death in 2006.

University Associates in Dentistry specializes in dental implants in Chicago and can help you reclaim your confidence in your smile when you have missing teeth. To make an appointment with a dentist, please call (312) 704-5511.

Are All-on-4™ Dental Implants the Number One Choice for You?

Dental Implants in Chicago

Your dentist will tell you that replacing missing teeth with restorations promotes a more attractive smile and better oral health. If you have missing teeth but want an alternative to bridges and dentures, then you many benefit from All-on-4™ dental implants .

Why Choose All-on-4™ Dental Implants
For patients who have no teeth, All-on-4™ dental implants have become a popular solution. Also, this treatment can be ideal for individuals who have severe tooth decay, dentures, or failing bridges. This is because All-on-4™ dental implants have a high success rate and are often available at a more affordable overall cost compared to traditional options. Finally, many patients are incredibly happy with their All-on-4™ results because they gain the satisfaction of smiling with confidence.

Deciding on All-on-4™ Dental Implants
When you visit your dentist to discuss All-on-4™ dental implants, the process will begin with a consultation to determine if the procedure is ideal for you. A CT Scan will be used during this stage to provide your dentist with necessary information regarding your teeth and jaw. A comprehensive treatment plan and financing options can be discussed during your consultation to help you make your decision.

Receiving Your All-on-4™ Dental Implants
If you and your dentist determine that All-on-4™ dental implants are the number one choice for replacing your missing teeth, an appointment will be scheduled for your surgery. On the day of your procedure, the 4 dental implants will be placed in your jaw, and a set of dental restorations will be fitted to the implants during the same appointment. Finally, a set of custom, permanent dental restorations will be made and fixed to your dental implants a few months later. With good oral hygiene and regular dentist visits, you can expect your All-on-4™ dental implants to serve you for a lifetime.

Are you interested in All-on-4™ dental implants in Chicago? If so, then please call University Associates in Dentistry today at (312) 704-5511 to schedule your consultation and learn more about this dental solution .

How to Prepare for Your Dental Implant Procedure

Dental Implants in Chicago

When you receive dental implants , your implants will be placed during a surgical procedure. Like any other type of surgery, a dental implant procedure requires special preparation on behalf of the patient. Your dentist can provide you with a detailed list of procedures to follow in the days and hours leading up to your appointment. Here is a review of some steps that you can take to get ready for your dental implants.

Meet With Your Dentist

The first step of preparing for a dental implant procedure is to schedule a dental consultation. During the consultation, your dentist can answer any questions that you may have about what you can expect when you receive implants. Your dentist will also inquire about your medical history and any other considerations that need to be taken into account before you receive your implants.

Stock Up on Soft Foods

During the first few days after your dental implant procedure, you will need to make sure that you eat mild, soft foods. To get ready to receive your dental implants, you can stock up on appropriate recovery foods, such as yogurt, mild cheese, eggs, fish and soup. Having these foods around will allow you to recover gently and comfortably.

University Associates in Dentistry, Dr Russell Baer , provides dental implants in Chicago and trains dentists and oral surgeons all over the world in implantology. When you are seeking beautiful and comfortable dental implants that will last a lifetime, be sure to book your services with our team. Give us a call at (312) 704-5511 to learn more about our permanent dental implants .

What to Ask Your Dentist About Dental Implants

Dental Implants in Chicago

If you have missing teeth, your dentist may recommend implants. Dental implants replace lost teeth permanently and look and feel like natural teeth. Could implants be the right solution for you? During your dental consultation, ask these questions about implants to help you fully understand your options.

How do dental implants work?

Teeth implants are anchored in your jaw with a metal post that acts as an artificial root. This post fuses with your jawbone so that it is held securely in place. Once that fusion has occurred, in a process called osseointegration, a crown is attached to the post via an abutment screw that holds in place. Because dental implants are supported by the artificial root, rather than neighboring teeth, they don’t compromise the health of your natural teeth. They can be used to replace one tooth or an entire mouth of missing teeth.

What are the benefits of dental implants?

Although dental implants aren’t the only solution to missing teeth, they do have many benefits. In addition to protecting your natural teeth, dental implants don’t cause the same kind of gum and soft tissue irritation that dentures can. They don’t require any special care like dentures, and you don’t have to make any adjustments to your diet. Many people like dental implants because they don’t have to worry about them slipping. Additionally, dental implants can be manufactured to match the shape, color, and size of your healthy teeth, so they look natural.

Who is a good candidate for dental implants?

To get dental implants, you need a sufficient amount of jawbone to support the implant or be able to undergo bone grafting. You must also be willing to go through the process of getting dental implants, which is lengthier than getting dentures. Your dentist will help you determine what kind of tooth restoration treatment is right for you.

University Associates of Dentistry specializes in dental implants in Chicago and can help you take the first step towards improving your smile with a consultation to see if implants are right for you. Find out more about dental implants and all of our services by calling (312) 704-5511.

Tips for Talking to Your Dentist About Your Implant Options

Dental Implants in Chicago

Sometimes the cosmetic dentistry industry can be difficult due to some specialized jargon. Once you talk to your dentist and recognize these terms, they should be relatively easy to understand. If you’re thinking about your dental implant options, you should know what the procedure is like as well as the different types of dental implants that are available. Make sure you disclose your medical history to your dentist and read ahead for tips on talking about dental implants.

Understand the procedure.

The purpose of a dental implant is to replace a missing tooth, or missing teeth, to provide strong and stable teeth that look, feel and function like natural teeth. A dental implant is placed in the upper or lower jawbone. An abutment is attached to the implant for the purpose of connecting the implant and the crown. This creates a natural look and can often be done in one hour.

Discuss different forms of implants.

While all kinds of dental implants seek to serve the same purpose, they don’t all work the same way. Individual dental implants can replace one tooth at a time, but other forms of the treatment are preferable if you need to replace multiple teeth. All-on-4® dental implants are a great alternative for fully edentulous individuals as it allows your dental health professional to implant full arches of teeth with minimal invasiveness, while providing full functionality.

Provide your medical history.

Not everyone is a perfect candidate for dental implants, and you might make a better candidate for one type of implant than another. Make sure you are honest and thorough when you talk to your dentist about your medical background and family history so he or she can prescribe the most appropriate treatment and reduce the chances of complications down the road.

Dental implants in Chicago is just one area of expertise that the team at University Associates in Dentistry has to offer. If you’re interested in permanent dental implants , call us at (312) 704-5511 or visit our website. We also offer porcelain veneers and Invisalign treatment.

Answering Questions about the All-on-4 System

Dental Implants in Chicago

The All-on-4 system, a version of the dental implant procedure, offers patients a quicker recovery and a beautiful new smile. Patients tend to have similar questions about the system, so here’s a quick Q & A:

Who Qualifies for the All-on-4 Procedure?
Due to the advancement of dental implants, most patients can qualify for some form of the procedure, including the All-on-4 system. Patients with all different levels of dental health can qualify for All-on-4, but those in good health will recovery more quickly and accept the implants more easily. Before scheduling the procedure, all patients should speak with their dentist about taking any recommended steps, such as improving their dental or overall health.

Will I Be Able to Chew Again with the All-on-4 System?
Patients who undergo the procedure will be able to chew on a piece of steak or even bite into an apple as soon as they have fully recovered. Like other dental implant procedures, the All-on-4 system returns normal tooth and mouth function to patients all over the world. People who choose this option come out with greater confidence from a stronger, fuller smile!

What is the Recovery Process Like?
Recovery is different for every patient, but it usually goes smoothly. The key to a quick recovery is to follow all directions given by the dentist and dental staff. Patients can expect tenderness in the mouth for several weeks following the procedure, which may require a short-term liquid and soft food diet. Tenderness and pain can be managed with pain-relievers and anti-inflammatories as needed.

Please call University Associates in Dentistry to learn more about the All-on-4 system in Chicago. Our dentists have trained with the dentist who established the All-on-4 protocol, so our patients are sure to be in great hands. We are available for consultations at (312) 704-5511.

Addressing Your Questions About Dental Implants

Dental Implants in Chicago

dental implants Chicago

Dental implants are ideal for individuals who are missing one or more teeth. Dental implants consist of tiny screws that fuse with the jawbone and provide permanent anchors for dental crowns. If you are missing teeth, only your dentist can determine your best course of treatment. However, for the many people, dental implants are able to provide permanent, cosmetically appealing solutions for their missing teeth. Keep reading for answers to common questions about dental implants.

How Does Dental Implant Surgery Work?
The first step in getting your dental implants involves a consultation with your dentist. Your dentist will review dental implants cost, take a CT Scan, and make sure your jawbone is sufficiently healthy for surgery. During the surgery itself, your general dentist will use local anesthesia, just like with a filling. After the dental implants are placed, your dentist will prescribe an antibiotic and suggest ibuprofen (in case of discomfort).

Do I Have to Take Special Care of Dental Implants?
After your surgery, your dentist will give you instructions for how to take care of your dental implants to ensure proper healing. In general, you should try to eat soft foods, avoid putting excessive pressure on the implant sites, and stay well hydrated. After your dental implants have successfully fused with your jawbone and the surgical sites have healed, you will use a special dental implant brush and implant floss to maintain your oral health.

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?
With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime. Permanent dental implants are designed to replace missing teeth forever. As long as you brush and floss regularly, your dental implants will be functional, cosmetically appealing and give you your confidence back!

Do you want to know if you are a good candidate for dental implants near Chicago? Schedule a consultation with an experienced dentist at University Associates in Dentistry . Our dental office is one of the few providers that offer a metal-free alternative, as well as titanium dental implants. Whether you have one missing tooth or have lost all your teeth, call us at (312) 704-5511 to schedule a consultation today.

Addressing Your Questions About Dental Implants

Dental Implants in Chicago

dental implants chicago

Dental implants are ideal for individuals who are missing one or more teeth. Dental implants consist of tiny screws that fuse with the jawbone and provide permanent anchors for dental crowns. If you are missing teeth, only your dentist can determine your best course of treatment. However, for the many people, dental implants are able to provide permanent, cosmetically appealing solutions for their missing teeth. Keep reading for answers to common questions about dental implants.

How Does Dental Implant Surgery Work?
The first step in getting your dental implants involves a consultation with your dentist. Your dentist will review dental implants cost, take X-rays, and make sure your jawbone is sufficiently healthy for surgery. During the surgery itself, your general dentist will use local anesthesia, just like with a filling. After the dental implants are placed, you can expect some minor discomfort. Your dentist will prescribe painkillers or suggest ibuprofen.

Do I Have to Take Special Care of Dental Implants?
After your surgery, your dentist will give you instructions for how to take care of your dental implants to ensure proper healing. In general, you should try to eat soft foods, avoid putting excessive pressure on the implant sites, and stay well hydrated. After your dental implants have successfully fused with your jawbone and the surgical sites have healed, you will use a special dental implant brush and implant floss to maintain your oral health.

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?
With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime. Permanent dental implants are designed to replace missing teeth forever. As long as you brush and floss regularly, your dental implants will be functional and cosmetically appealing.

Do you want to know if you are a good candidate for dental implants near Chicago? Schedule a consultation with an experienced dentist at University Associates in Dentistry . Our dental office is one of the few providers of metal-free dental implants. Whether you have one missing tooth or have lost all your teeth, call us at (312) 704-5511 to schedule a consultation today.

Tips for Maintaining Your Dental Implants

Dental Implants in Chicago

dental implants cost Chicago

Dental implants provide a permanent and aesthetically pleasing solution for missing teeth. After you visit your dentist for dental implants, it is especially essential to practice good oral hygiene. While replacement teeth cannot get cavities, they are subject to the same level of wear and tear as natural teeth. Read on to find out how using a special toothbrush, investing in implant floss, and scheduling regular cleanings with your dentist can make your dental implants last a lifetime.

Special Toothbrush
Just like natural teeth, dental implants need to be cleaned with a toothbrush . Dental implants attach to the gum in a very different way than natural teeth. Also, teeth implants are topped by tooth-like material instead of bone, which presents new cleaning challenges. With an angled toothbrush designed for dental implants, you can clean the implant abutments on the inside, making sure that bacteria does not accumulate.

Implant Floss
While dental implants do not themselves decay, bacteria around the gums can still lead to gum disease. Flossing is vital for preserving the life of your permanent dental implants and making sure you stay free of periodontal disease. Ask your dentist about special bridge and implant floss that allows you to safely clean around your dental implants. You can also invest in a silicone tooth pick for gentle cleaning.

Dentist Visits
Scheduling regular visits to your hygienist who is trained for cleaning dental implants is also key for properly maintaining them. Only a professional cleaning can completely remove plaque build-up from around the gums, making sure your gums are gingivitis-free. You can also use this opportunity to discuss any concerns about your dental implants and keep your dentist apprised of any issues.

Find out more about how dental implants work and consult with a dentist for a price estimate on how much dental implants cost. If you live in the Chicago area, call University Associates in Dentistry at (312) 704-551 to schedule your appointment today. Our dentists also offer the All on 4 dental implant procedure. Visit us online to find out more about our services .

What to Know About Dental Bonding

Dental Implants in Chicago

dental implants Chicago

If you have decayed, chipped, fractured, or discolored teeth, your dentist may recommend teeth bonding. With dental bonding, a dentist applies a tooth-colored composite resin to make teeth stronger and also improve their cosmetic appearance. If you are considering teeth bonding, consult with your dentist directly. Continue reading to find out more about dental bonding’s benefits, care, and procedure.

Unparalleled Benefits
In addition to its aesthetic benefits, teeth bonding is one of the simplest and most affordable procedures in cosmetic dentistry today. Bonding can close spaces between teeth, make teeth look longer, and change the color and shape of a tooth. Your dentist may recommend bonding to improve a number of flaws, including discoloration or chips. Bonding may also be an alternative to filling a tooth that has decayed.

Quick Procedure
When you visit your dentist for teeth bonding, you can expect the procedure to take between thirty minutes and one hour. First, your dentist will select the shade of composite that matches your surrounding natural teeth most closely. Once you have chosen the color, your dentist will lightly etch the tooth’s surface and coat it with a conditioning liquid. Finally, the resin is molded and smoothed into the proper shape, and your teeth bonding is complete.

Simple Aftercare
Your general dentist will supply you with the information you need to preserve the longevity of your teeth bonding. To prevent and minimize stains, avoid smoking cigarettes or drinking dark liquids such as wine and coffee for at least 48 hours after the procedure. You should also visit your dentist at least twice per year for regular cleanings to ensure your teeth stay bright and white.

Do you want to know more about how teeth bonding works? Contact the Chicago office of University Associates in Dentistry by calling (312) 704-551. In addition to dental bonding, our experienced team offers many other procedures in cosmetic dentistry , including porcelain veneers and teeth whitening. Find out more by scheduling a consultation with a dentist today.

University Associates in Dentistry