A Look at Oral Care Through the Ages

Dental Implants in Chicago

Ancient Egypt The field of dentistry is one that has been in existence for thousands of years. While your dentist in Chicago may have at his disposal more information and strategies to prevent and address your dental needs, ancient medicine men likewise used what they knew to help individuals suffering from oral maladies. As these early pioneers of dentistry honed their practices, patients became the beneficiaries of these innovations.

Creating a Dental Profession
The ancient Egyptians are responsible for many cultural, medical, and industrial advancements. Among their many achievements is the establishment of the dental profession. While it would be many more centuries before the medical field cultivated a dental specialty , surviving Egyptian monuments indicate the existence of a person known as Hesy-Re who practiced the dental arts. Thousands of years later, Europe at last saw the first formal establishment of individuals who catered to the dental needs of the public.

Easing Tooth Pain

The toothache is a problem that likely predates written history. Moreover, well before individuals were looked to for their dental expertise, people were trying to find ways to address tooth pain and infections. People who practiced dentistry thousands of years ago did not comprehend how tooth decay developed. However, they did understand that alleviating pressure in infected teeth could lessen discomfort. Historians now know from the analysis of ancient teeth that patients were treated with crude drilling techniques.

Enhancing Patient Appearance

Did you know that cosmetic dentistry has its roots several centuries back? Procedures such as professional teeth whitening and porcelain veneers may be newer dental practices, but for hundreds of years, dentists have been applying cosmetic techniques to help patients achieve a more beautiful smile. For instance, documents have been found from the 1700s that discuss how to use enamel on restorative devices to maintain natural-looking teeth. While materials such as gold, silver, and even wood were often used to address tooth loss, dentists were taking advantage of porcelain to create more realistic teeth for patients as well.

Finding the right dentist doesn’t have to be a difficult process. The capable and courteous team at University Associates in Dentistry can help you achieve the healthy and great-looking smile you want. To make an appointment , call us at (312) 704-5511.

A Quick Look at the History of Dental Implants

Dental Implants in Chicago

You might think of dental implants as a modern innovation in dental care, but the benefit of replacing lost teeth has been recognized for thousands of years, as there is evidence of dental implants in artifacts of ancient civilizations dating back to 600 A.D. These early, primitive implants were made from all types of materials—including filed down stones and seashell fragments. Surprisingly, some of these were even fused to the bone despite the limited surgical technologies available at the time.

Dental implants that would be more recognizable today are a byproduct of the post-WWII era, during which artificial implants throughout the body were performing great feats in anatomical reconstruction. The official foundation of implant dentistry took place in 1948 when two physicians successfully created the first sub-periosteal implant. From this point forward, the changes seen in dental implants have been variations on the method of crafting a metal implant to be fused with the jawbone and capping the exposed metal post with a synthetic crown, often made from ceramic. Through the decades, surgical methods have become more refined to reduce the risks and discomfort of treatment and ensure a long-lasting restoration that closely matches the function of the natural teeth.

To discover the benefits of modern dental implants for yourself, schedule a consultation at University Associates in Dentistry, where you will find exceptional care with the Dental Implant Institute of Chicago. You can make an appointment with us online or call (312) 704-5511.

Exploring Some Lesser Known Facts About Oral Health and Dentistry

Dental Implants in Chicago

Did you know that the rise of dental technology and knowledge of the importance of oral health is a significant contributor to the increase in the life expectancy of humans over the past 200 years? Your dental health may be more important than you realize, which is why it is essential to maintain regular appointments with your dentist to keep your teeth clean and sparkling. Below you can learn about more of the interesting and lesser known facts of your oral health that may motivate you to get to the dentist’s office.

Nearly 75% of Americans suffer from gum disease.
Despite the many advances that have taken place in dentistry over the past several decades, there are still about 3 in 4 American adults with some form of gum disease. One of the biggest contributors to this statistic is poor at-home care. While the recommended guideline for brushing is 2-3 minutes twice daily, most people only spend 48 seconds brushing their teeth each day. Improper flossing may also be to blame, as many adults do not floss enough or floss correctly, so plaque and tartar are allowed to build up between the teeth.

About 300 different bacteria species can live in dental plaque.
The human body is crawling with bacteria, many of which are beneficial to your health. Still, there are some not-so-friendly species of bacteria that can do significant damage in the body. 300 such species can live in the plaque on your teeth, which is what makes dental plaque so destructive. Regular flossing and rinsing can keep these bacteria at bay, but they are quick to multiply and return with a more lax oral hygiene routine.

The dental profession is only about 200 years old.
As recently as the 1800s, there was no such thing as a dentist. It was likely that you would visit a blacksmith or barber to address a toothache, which was primarily handled by removing the tooth, and in some cases, replacing it with something else .

Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body.
Tooth enamel is an incredibly durable material, harder than any bone in your body. However, it can still sustain damage from habits like using your teeth to open containers or brushing too hard and wearing down the enamel over time. Because tooth enamel is so strong and functional, efforts have been made to create synthetic teeth in the body, though the science is still a few years off from practical applications in humans.

If you are due for a dental checkup or you need more extensive restorative care to achieve a healthy smile, call University Associates in Dentistry at (312) 704-5511. Our high-tech Chicago practice can care for your smile, whether you are seeking preventive, restorative, or cosmetic services.

Get to Know Dr. Rauf Yosuf

Dental Implants in Chicago

At University Associates in Dentistry, we always want to give our patients the best care. Thanks to our team of dentists in Chicago, we are able to offer just that. Keep reading to learn more about Dr. Rauf Yosuf and how he contributes to the practice:

As a periodontist, Dr. Rauf specializes in diagnosing and treating issues in the gums. He is skilled at soft tissue grafting, bone grafting, dental implants, crown lengthening, and reconstructive periodontal surgery. He graduated from the University of Louisville School of Dentistry in 1995. After a one-year fellowship in the Illinois Masonic Hospital, he went on to do additional periodontal training at Indiana University School of Dentistry. He also has a Masters degree in Oral Biology from Indiana University.

Come to University Associates in Dentistry to work with Dr. Yosuf and some of our other dentists in the Chicago area. Our staff is committed to helping our patients get healthy, beautiful smiles. To learn more about our services, visit us online or call (312) 704-5511.

Reasons to Replace Your Missing Teeth

Dental Implants in Chicago

If you are missing even one tooth, it can throw off the aesthetic appeal and the function of your entire mouth. Dental implants in Chicago are a great option for replacing missing teeth. Keep reading to find out why you should talk to your dentist about getting dental implants to replace missing teeth:

To Prevent Further Bone Loss
When you are missing one tooth, it can cause the jawbone to start shrinking. This resorption process starts almost as soon as the tooth is removed and will continue over time. If you want to prevent this bone loss, it is important to replace missing teeth with dental implants that help you maintain the rest of your jawbone .

To Improve Your Smile
A beautiful smile helps boost your confidence. It also gives other people a better first impression of your personality. If you are missing even one tooth, it throws off the aesthetic appeal of your smile and might even make you ashamed of your teeth. Talk to your dentist about getting dental implants to replace these missing teeth and restore the aesthetic appeal of your smile.

To Improve Your Oral Health
When you are missing teeth, there are more places for food and plaque to gather, which can increase your risk of developing cavities or periodontal disease. When you get dental implants, though, you can fill in these holes and reduce your risk for these oral health issues. As long as you brush and floss your teeth regularly and continue to visit your dentist twice a year, you can significantly reduce your risk for cavities and periodontal disease.

If you are interested in dental implants, come to University Associates in Dentistry , home of The Dental Implant Institute of Chicago (DIIC). At DIIC, Dr. Russell Baer not only performs implant procedures, he trains fellow dentists and prosthodontist in the field of implantology. As one of the top dental centers in Chicago, we make it easy to get the treatment you need to perfect your smile. To learn more about our services or to schedule an appointment, visit us online or call (312) 704-5511.

Meet Dr. Lauren Zalay

Dental Implants in Chicago

At University Associates in Dentistry, our Chicago dentists are a huge part of the reason that we are able to give our patients such good services. Dr. Lauren Zalay is a valued member of our team and works hard to give all of her patients the best treatment possible.

Dr. Zalay is a Chicago native who attended the Latin School of Chicago before graduating from the University of Wisconsin with a B.S. in Zoology. She completed her DDS at the University of Illinois in 2006 and also received the honorary Linda K. Tharp Award for Compassion in Providing Oral Healthcare to Patients.

Since 2006, Dr. Zalay has offered her services throughout Chicago. She focuses on general dentistry and helps patients with crowns, root canals, fillings, and Invisalign. In between seeing patients, Dr. Zalay also submits work to the “Doctor of Dentistry” magazine. If you want to work with Dr. Zalay or any of the rest of the talented staff at University Associates in Dentistry , visit us online or call (312) 704-5511 to schedule an appointment.

Tooth Abscess Guide

Dental Implants in Chicago

The sooner you can spot an abscessed tooth, the better chance your dentist has of treating it before it becomes any worse. Once the abscess moves into the inner chamber and the surrounding structure of the tooth, it begins to affect the nerve tissue.

An abscessed tooth causes pain and hyperemia. It might also feel sensitive when you tap on it with a toothbrush or a piece of food. As the infection spreads, these feelings will become more severe. Check out this video to learn more.

At University Associates in Dentistry , we do everything we can to ensure that you have healthy, beautiful teeth. Using top technology like digital X-rays, we can diagnose and treat all of your problems. To learn more, visit us online or call (888) 481-6598.

Tips for Effective Tooth Brushing

Dental Implants in Chicago

Taking care of teeth

Brushing your teeth helps you avoid cavities and periodontal disease. In order to get the best results, though, you must brush your teeth effectively. Keep reading for some tips on enhancing the way you brush your teeth:

You should spend at least two minutes brushing your teeth twice a day. It is important to move all around the mouth and spend some time focusing on the back of the teeth, the gum line, and the fronts and sides of the teeth. Go over all of the chewing surfaces and the inner surfaces of the teeth on the top and the bottom of your jaw. You should also move the toothbrush across your tongue to get rid of germs that could affect your breath.

Schedule regular appointments with University Associates in Dentistry to get deeper cleanings and regular checkups that help you get the cleanest teeth and gums. With our leading dentists and wide range of dental procedures, we make it easy to get your best smile. To learn more, visit us online or call (888) 481-6598.

Exploring the History of the Toothbrush

Dental Implants in Chicago

The toothbrush is an essential element of your daily oral hygiene routine . Without it, you would not be able to clean your teeth and prevent plaque and bacteria from causing cavities, decay, and periodontal disease. This seemingly simple tool has served an incredibly purpose throughout human history. Keep reading to learn more about the history of the toothbrush to gain a bigger appreciation for this important tool:

Daily Hygiene, Brushing Teeth

The Chew Stick
Although the modern toothbrush was not invented until 1938, various cultures have been using some form of this tool for thousands of years. As far back as 3,000 BCE, ancient cultures used an instrument known as a chew stick. People rubbed these sticks against the teeth to clean off dirt and other debris. It helped clear some of the dirt, but still left people susceptible to oral health issues like periodontal disease.

The Boar Bristle Brush
By 1498, the Chinese started to make changes to this ancient  chew stick  model. They used boar bristles to make the chew stick even more effective. This innovative toothbrush model was used in some form until the invention of the nylon bristles in 1938. William Addis created the first mass-produced toothbrush in England in 1780.

Doctor West’s Miracle Toothbrush
DuPont de Nemours is credited with inventing the nylon bristles used in the modern toothbrush. The first model was called Doctor West’s Miracle Toothbrush. Americans did not really start to understand the importance of oral hygiene until soldiers started to return after World War II, though. By 1960, the first electric toothbrushes started to reach the market.

Come to  University Associates in Dentistry  for all of your general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry needs. As one of the leading dental offices in Chicago, we bring you a winning team and top technology to help you get the healthiest, most attractive smile. To learn more about our services or to schedule your next appointment, visit us online or call (888) 481-6598.

Dental Health by the Numbers

Dental Implants in Chicago

Too many people neglect their oral health and end up facing serious dental problems. Neglecting visits to the dentist might lead to serious issues for your teeth and gums. Keep reading to learn some serious dental statistics that might inspire you to visit the dentist more often:

Young woman patient and dentist

  • About 23.7 percent of adults between the ages of 20 and 64 have untreated dental caries. 
  • Only 61.6 percent of adults between the ages of 18 and 64 visited the dentist in the past year. 
  • About 27 percent of children and adolescents have at least one dental sealant.

Regular visits to the dentists at  University Associates in Dentistry  and a good oral hygiene routine can help you keep your teeth and gums healthy and your smile beautiful. Whether you need to schedule a regular checkup or want to learn more about cosmetic dentistry, we are here to help. To learn more about our services or to schedule your next appointment, visit us online or call (888) 481-6598.

University Associates in Dentistry