What to Eat for a Whiter Smile

Dental Implants in Chicago

Foods for White Teeth While cosmetic dentists can easily and effectively grant you a brighter, whiter smile in just an hour, there are certain foods you can eat that can help you maintain your new look. Crunchy foods like apples, celery, and carrot sticks stimulate saliva production in your mouth, which can help prevent plaque from forming.

These foods also scrub your teeth as you eat them, removing plaque and bacteria. Plaque buildup on your teeth can not only cause tooth decay, but it also allows stains to form on your teeth. Acidic food like oranges, strawberries, lemons, and limes can naturally whiten your teeth and kill bacteria. The lactic acid in dairy products can also protect your teeth from decay.

If you’re interested in discussing teeth whitening with a cosmetic dentist in Chicago , visit us at University Associates in Dentistry. We use the Kor Whitening technique over several office visits. Call us today at (312) 704-5511 to discuss your whitening needs and schedule a free consultation.

Spotting the Signs of Gingivitis

Dental Implants in Chicago

Gingivitis is another term for the early stages of gum disease. Symptoms include painful, swollen, or bleeding gums. Gingivitis develops as the result of plaque build-up—either on teeth, or on or below the gum line. Luckily, if treated early, it can be reversed before it develops into more a serious condition. Watch this video to find out more about how to detect and treat gingivitis.

The video explains that taking oral contraception, smoking, or possessing uneven or crooked teeth can all increase the danger of contracting gingivitis. It discusses the ways in which to prevent and treat the condition through good oral hygiene and the use of dental products containing fluoride. It also talks about the importance of a healthy diet and recommends avoiding eating between meals.

To find out more about how to protect your dental health or to book a dental consultation in Chicago, call us at (312) 704-5511. At University Associates in Dentistry , we are here to help safeguard the health of your smile.

Why Straight Teeth Are Better for Your Health

Dental Implants in Chicago

Importance of Straight Teeth Having teeth that are crooked, crowded, or uneven may make you feel self-conscious and afraid to smile. But having crooked teeth can also be detrimental to both your oral health, and your overall health. With so many advances in dental technology, your dentist can offer teeth straightening options that are easier, faster, and cheaper than ever before.

They Improve Oral Hygiene
Crooked and over crowded teeth are difficult to clean. Even if you floss and brush regularly, you may not be able remove the food and plaque that get stuck very tightly between your teeth. Plaque buildup will result in the swift growth of the bacteria that causes tooth decay, gingivitis, periodontal disease , and oral infections. Straight teeth are much easier to floss and brush effectively, as there is more room between the teeth and less overlapping of teeth.

They Improve Oral Health
Having teeth that are crooked or crowded within your mouth can cause your gums to become inflamed and red. Straightening your teeth can allow your gums to securely fit around the tooth, which will help prevent gum disease and periodontal disease. Teeth that are crooked or crowded can also cause wear and tear on tooth enamel because crooked teeth tend to rub against each other as you chew. Crooked teeth also cause stress to the gums and jawbone, which will eventually result in chronic jaw and neck pain.

They Improve Overall Health
The bacteria resulting from plaque buildup can cause tooth decay and gum disease. Left untreated, this may lead to bad breath, mouth sores, bleeding gums, tooth loss, and infections. Oral infections can ultimately cause serious health problems, like heart disease, strokes, diabetes, and pneumonia. Having straight teeth and good oral hygiene can reduce your risk of these health problems.

If you have been considering visiting a dentist in Chicago to talk about straightening your teeth, visit us at University Associates in Dentistry. We offer teeth straightening through Invisalign, which quickly straightens your teeth using almost unnoticeable aligners. Call us today at (312) 704-5511 for a free consultation.

You Can’t Handle the Tooth: Dental Facts in History [INFOGRAPHIC]

Dental Implants in Chicago

You probably know that it’s important to brush and floss your teeth every day and that visiting your dentist near Chicago is an essential part of good oral health. However, there are probably many things that you didn’t know about toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, and dentists themselves. For example, did you know that dental procedures—along with haircuts—were performed by “barber-surgeons” as late as the 15 th century? Even thousands of years before that, people used toothpicks to clean between their teeth. Dentistry has come a long way, with options such as dental implants, veneers, and teeth whitening available to give you a beautiful smile. Check out this infographic for more fun facts about teeth and taking care of them. Please share with your friends and family!

You Can’t Handle the Tooth: Dental Facts in History Infographic

How Dental Veneers Work

Dental Implants in Chicago

Everyone deserves to have a smile that they love. If you live near Chicago and feel self-conscious about your teeth, you might want to consider getting dental veneers. Keep reading to find out how veneers work and what they can do for your smile:

They Cover the Teeth
Veneers are thin coatings made of porcelain that your dentist can place over the front surface of your teeth. This helps you cover up a variety of aesthetic issues that could be keeping you from achieving your perfect smile. Veneers are custom made to ensure that you get the best, most natural looking results. Porcelain veneers are resistant to stains and give you an easy way to improve the aesthetic appeal of your smile.

They Fix a Variety of Issues
Your dentist can use porcelain veneers to address a variety of aesthetic issues . Veneers are a great option for teeth that are discolored. They can also be placed over teeth that are worn down, chipped, or broken. Veneers can even be used to fix issues with misalignment or irregularly shaped teeth. If you have any of these issues or gaps between your teeth, you should talk to your dentist about porcelain veneers to find out if they can help.

They Are Easy to Apply
When you choose to get porcelain veneers, the dentist can easily put them into place to give you your desired results. You will go in for a consultation so the dentist can examine your mouth to make sure veneers will work. X-rays will be taken and impressions will be made to create custom veneers. The dentist must also remove about ½ millimeter of your tooth enamel to make room for the veneers. During your next visit, the dentist can bond the veneers into place.

University Associates in Dentistry wants to help you get your desired smile. Whether you want porcelain veneers or an entire smile makeover, we are here for you. To learn more about our services or to schedule an appointment, visit us online or call (312) 704-5511.

Little Known Facts About the Teeth

Dental Implants in Chicago

The teeth in the human mouth are amazing parts of the body that serve a wide range of purposes. As general dentists in Chicago , we you can keep your teeth healthy and beautiful throughout your life. Keep reading to learn more about the teeth:

Babies Can Be Born with Teeth
Although it is rare, it is possible for some babies to be born with teeth. If your baby is the 1 in every 2,000 babies that is born with teeth, you will probably need a pediatric dental exam when he or she is just a few days old. These teeth usually show up on the bottom row and are not usually very strong. Natal teeth are often removed to prevent issues with breastfeeding.

Some People Do Not Lose Baby Teeth
Baby teeth hold the place for adult teeth to grow in. Most people lose all of their baby teeth by the time they are in their early teens. If there is no adult tooth in place to replace the baby tooth, though, a person might not lose the baby teeth. It is important to schedule regular visits with your dentist to learn more about your teeth and how they will grow and change throughout your life.

Some People Have Extra Teeth
It is possible to have more teeth in your mouth than you need. If a person has a condition known as hyperdontia, they will usually have a few extra teeth. Dentists often remove these teeth that emerge from the gums to prevent overcrowding that might negatively affect the rest of the mouth.

Come to University Associates in Dentistry to learn more fun facts about the teeth while you get your next checkup. We are proud to serve the Chicago area to help all of our patients get the care that they need. To learn more about our dental services, visit us online or call (312) 704-5511.

Congratulations Blackhawks!!

Dental Implants in Chicago

Congratulations to our Chicago Blackhawks as the bring home the Stanley Cup for the third time in 6 years! Check out Dr. Baer and Dr. Marcus with the cup!

The Importance of Mouthguards for Athletes

Dental Implants in Chicago

Athletes are especially vulnerable to injuries to the head and the face. Whether you play a contact sport such as hockey or an individual sport such as gymnastics, it is important to protect your mouth area. Mouthguards can prevent unnecessary sporting injuries. Keep reading to learn more about the importance of resources like mouthguards for sports dentistry near Chicago:

Custom mouthguards cover up the teeth to absorb most of the pressure of a blow to the face. This reduces the risk for breaking the teeth and injuring the mouth, the cheek, or the tongue. Mouthguards help to protect orthodontia like braces and significantly lowers your risk for soft tissue injuries.

Come to University Associates in Dentistry to get a custom mouthguard that keeps your teeth safe while you play any kind of sport. As the team dentist for the Chicago Blackhawks, we know how to make mouthguards and we know what it takes to maintain a beautiful and healthy smile. To learn more about our services and how we can help you, visit us online or call (312) 704-5511.

The Ancient History of Dentistry

Dental Implants in Chicago

Today’s general dentist uses sophisticated tools and techniques to make your dental visit a positive one. This video demonstrates the vast contrast between what you might experience with your dentist in Chicago and what ancient societies had to cope with regarding their dental care.

Thousands of years ago, civilization had little understanding of what caused tooth pain. For many years, dentists assumed that tooth decay was the result of worms in teeth. However, these individuals demonstrated much ingenuity in terms of how they addressed issues such as missing teeth and malocclusion. Archeologists have found evidence of ancient dentures made from human and animal teeth. They have also seen teeth-straightening procedures that predate Invisalign by several millennia.

University Associates in Dentistry offers exceptional dental care for all your oral health needs. Call (312) 704-5511 to make an appointment.

Blackhawks Face Stiff Challenges in the Playoffs

Dental Implants in Chicago

As the team dentist for the Chicago Blackhawks, University Associates in Dentistry has a vested interested in how the team does. That’s why we’re excited to see them launch into the 2015 playoffs and (hopefully) bring home the Stanley Cup. However, we know that the Blackhawks face some stiff challenges—not the least of which is keeping their teeth intact during on-ice scuffles.

First up is the Nashville Predators, whose regular season record (47-25-10) is very similar to that of the Blackhawks (48-28-6). The Blackhawks have plenty more experience in the playoffs, however, so we like to think that our team will prevail. Unfortunately, it’s still uncertain whether top-scorer Patrick Kane has recovered enough to make an impact in the series. Next up will most likely be the St. Louis Blues, who will be gunning for revenge after our team’s victory during last year’s quarterfinals. We don’t want to jinx anything, so we’ll stop there with the predictions and focus on providing stellar dentistry services in Chicago.

University Associates in Dentistry