Dental veneers are thin, custom-made shells designed to cover the front of teeth for dental patients near Chicago. These shells permanently bond to the tooth’s surface. A dentist will often recommend porcelain veneers because they are more stain-resistant and look more natural. Keep reading to learn how veneers can correct problems with tooth discoloration, chipped or broken teeth, and misaligned or gapped teeth.
Discolored Teeth
If you suffer from yellowed or discolored teeth, you may feel self-conscious in social situations or business settings. Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry has a solution for you: veneers. Tooth discoloration can be caused by a wide range of factors, including drinks such as coffee and soda, tobacco use, and certain medications. The teeth may also be discolored internally due to tooth decay or after a procedure like a root canal.
Chipped Teeth
Many people visit their dentist to discuss veneers after chipping, breaking, or cracking a tooth . After any injury, be sure to have a full dental consultation to make sure you have not damaged your tooth’s delicate nerve. After your general dentist gives the go ahead, you can be fitted for veneers to correct any chips, breaks, or worn down areas of the teeth.
Misaligned Teeth
While braces or Invisalign can help with misaligned teeth, veneers are also recommended as a permanent solution to overlaps or gaps in the teeth. Misaligned teeth can result from thumb sucking or bottle feeding as a child or injuries that misalign the entire jaw. Still, many people simply have natural gaps between the teeth or abnormally shaped teeth. Because veneers cover the entire tooth, they mask any flaws.
Do you want to find out if veneers may be right for you? Schedule an appointment with a dentist at University Associates in Dentistry of Chicago. Our team of experienced dentists is well-trained in state-of the art dental procedures, including cosmetic dentistry . Find out more about porcelain veneers, teeth whitening, and more by calling us at (312) 704-5511.