How CEREC Can Make You Love Your Smile Again

Dental Implants in Chicago

Chairside economical restoration of esthetic ceramics (CEREC) is state-of-the-art technology that can bring a smile to your face. With CEREC, your dentist can accomplish in just one visit what used to take two to three weeks: The fabrication of a beautiful, custom-made porcelain crown. Not every general dentistry office has CEREC capabilities, so make sure you do your research beforehand and find one that does.


How CEREC Works

Without CEREC, a patient who needs a crown to restore a tooth must visit the dental office to get an impression made. The dentist then sends the impression away to a lab. The patient returns to the office two to three weeks later to receive the crown. With CEREC, a crown restoration can be completed in just one office visit. The CEREC process is as follows:


  • The dentist performs a scan to take digital impressions of the patient’s mouth.
  • The digital info is sent to the CEREC milling machine.
  • The milling machine fabricates the crown from a single block of porcelain.
  • The dentist adjusts the shade of the crown to blend in seamlessly with the natural teeth.
  • The dentist adjusts the fit of the crown as needed, before bonding it securely in the patient’s mouth.


Why CEREC Could Be Right for You

Anyone who needs a crown is a good candidate for CEREC crowns. In fact, some patients go out of their way to visit a dental clinic that offers CEREC technology, thanks to its unbeatable convenience. With CEREC technology, you can expect the following:


  • No bad-tasting impression material
  • A single appointment for your custom-fabricated crown
  • Perfect shading match to the rest of your smile
  • Quick wait time for the completion of the crown
  • Made from durable, strong porcelain
  • No need for a temporary crown
  • Digital precision


University Associates in Dentistry is pleased to bring the latest advancements in dental technology to our valued patients, including in-office CEREC capabilities. To experience the benefits of CEREC for yourself, you can call (312) 704-5511 and schedule a dental consultation in Chicago. Our cosmetic dentistry team looks forward to helping you love your smile again!

A Look at the Real Causes of Cavities

Dental Implants in Chicago

You may already know that bacteria cause tooth decay. That’s true, but it’s not quite the whole story. As your dentist can explain, your mouth contains its own microbiome, which is a community of microorganisms. Some of those bacteria are harmful. They form plaque, which is a biofilm that sticks to the teeth.


You can get the details about biofilm by watching this featured video. You’ll learn that as the microbes digest the sugary foods you eat, they release acid as a waste product. The acid demineralizes the enamel on your teeth, causing tooth decay.


If it’s been too long since your last professional teeth cleaning and exam, schedule an appointment with a general dentist near Chicago right away. Call University Associates in Dentistry at (312) 704-5511, and continue browsing our website to find out more about general and cosmetic dentistry.

Dental Care for Athletes 101

Dental Implants in Chicago

Dental trauma can happen to anyone. Tooth and soft tissue injuries can develop from tripping and falling on the stairs, for instance, but athletes are undoubtedly at a higher risk of dental trauma than most people. Amateur and professional athletes alike can benefit from seeing a sports dentistry specialist. A dentist who has experience working with athletes can provide appropriate recommendations for mouth protection and care.


Always wear your sports mouth guard.

If you don’t yet have a sports mouth guard, you need to visit a dentist right away. Over-the-counter (OTC) mouth guards are available. These are typically the “bite and boil” kind. Unfortunately, since they aren’t custom-fitted, OTC mouth guards can be uncomfortable, poorly fitted, and inadequate. As a result, athletes might be tempted to skip wearing them, leaving themselves even more vulnerable to dental trauma. Protect your smile by visiting a dentist to have a custom-fitted mouth guard made, and always wear it for practices and games. You’ll thank yourself for it the next time you get tackled, take a tumble, or get hit by a hockey puck.


Keep your sports mouth guard clean.

Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste to gently brush your mouth guard after every time you wear it. Some people like to rinse the mouth guard with antiseptic mouthwash to kill germs. Afterward, rinse it in cool water, and pat it dry with a clean towel before storing it in its container. Clean the container regularly too.


Know what to do for an avulsed tooth.

An avulsed tooth is one that has been completely expelled from the mouth. If you act right away, your dentist can save the tooth. Just follow these rules:


  • Only handle a knocked-out tooth by the crown, not the root.
  • You can rinse the tooth in water, but never scrub it, dry it, or use cleaning products.
  • Gently replace the tooth in its socket if possible.
  • If you can’t replace the tooth, place it in a clean cup with tooth preservation product (available at drugstores).
  • If you lack tooth preservation liquid, use a cup of milk.
  • Get to the dentist as soon as possible.


The team at University Associates in Dentistry has more experience than most in treating sports-related dental trauma. We are the official sports dentists for the Chicago Blackhawks. Call our office at (312) 704-5511 to request our next available sports dentistry consultation.


Get a Better Night’s Sleep Without a CPAP

Dental Implants in Chicago

The continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine has long been used to manage sleep apnea in patients who suffer from moderate to severe symptoms. But lots of people have problems wearing one all night long. It can feel uncomfortable and unnatural, and the machine makes noises that can keep you and your partner awake. There’s a better solution. Talk to a dentist about your alternative options.

A dentist can provide effective sleep apnea treatment with a custom-made oral appliance. These devices are FDA-approved to manage sleep apnea. And unlike a CPAP machine, an oral appliance is small, comfortable, custom-fitted, and easy to keep clean. You’ll be sleeping soundly in no time, and your partner will appreciate the lack of snoring!

Sleep apnea treatment is a specialty here at the Chicago office of University Associates in Dentistry. Call (312) 704-5511 to schedule your consultation, and look forward to getting a better night’s sleep without a bulky, uncomfortable CPAP machine.


Why You Should Discuss Your Sleep Quality with Your Dentist

Dental Implants in Chicago

If you spend your nights tossing and turning, or if you wake up feeling like you haven’t slept at all, it may not immediately cross your mind to call your dentist—but you should. Dentists are on the forefront of treating an extremely common and dangerous sleep disease called sleep apnea. Sleep apnea could be to blame for your fatigue and restless nights, and your dentist has the tools you need to overcome your condition and get some much-needed rest. Here is what you need to know.

What is sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea occurs when the soft tissue in your neck obstructs your airway while you are sleeping. As a result, you can’t get any oxygen. You will wake up, gasp for air, and then fall back to sleep in quick succession in episodes called apneas. Apneas can occur hundreds of time per night, and although you may not be aware that they are happening, they can significantly disrupt your ability to get restful sleep. In addition to disturbing your sleep, sleep apnea increases the risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and even injuries from car accidents that are linked to fatigued driving.

How do you know if you have sleep apnea?

Often, people don’t know that they have sleep apnea until a partner complains about their snoring or tells them that they seem to be gasping for air when asleep. In other instances, you may visit your doctor to complain about unexplained fatigue, and he or she may order a sleep study that identifies your sleep apnea.

How can a dentist help?

CPAP machines are a common treatment for sleep apnea. They involve a mask that you wear while sleeping that uses forced air to keep your airway open. Although they can be effective, many people cannot tolerate them. Your dentist can offer an alternative with oral appliance therapy. This treatment involves wearing a device similar to a night guard that is custom-made for your mouth. It shifts your jaw forward gently, so your airway stays open. It is an effective alternative to CPAPs and a useful conjunctive treatment if you have severe sleep apnea.

Take the first step to a better night of sleep with the help of your dentist at University Associates in Dentistry. To schedule a consultation for sleep apnea treatment in Chicago, call (312) 704-5511.

University Associates in Dentistry